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Inspire Real Estate Solutions provides what we believe is the easiest, most convenient and cost effective real estate sale options available. At Inspire Real Estate Solutions you will only ever deal with a completely licensed real estate agent NOT a registered consultant.

There are several different types of campaigns that can be undertaken and they are as follows:

Private Treaty Sale – the process in which the Vendor sets a sale price and in which potential purchasers negotiate with Inspire Real Estate Solutions to purchase the property being represented.

Expression of Interest (EOI) – no price is advertised and a deadline is set by which potential buyers submit a bid of what they are prepared to pay for the property on offer.

Price on Application (POA) – the property on offer is listed with a price, however, the advertised price is ‘Price on Application or POA’. Prospective purchasers are required to contact Inspire Real Estate Solutions for further property listing information. There is no deadline for completion with this method of sale.

Auction – a sale method, usually in public by a Licensed Auctioneer, in which a property is sold to the highest bidder. This method of sale has a set deadline and has the highest percentage (%) for completion of sales within a ninety (90) day period.

Tender – a sale method not to dis-similar from the Auction process as it has a set deadline for sale and there is no advertised price. This method seeks written submissions from all prospective purchasers by a certain date and are presented to the Vendor the evening of the completion of the Tender.

This is an important question. Commissions in QLD were deregulated in 2014. At Inspire we believe that commissions should be set at the point of sign up and for this reason we are willing to negotiate our selling fee and set a flat rate commission. This is so we can ensure you, as the client, are happy before proceeding.

Advertising takes place in two (2) forms – Traditional and Digital.

Traditional – Newspapers, signboards, agency window displays and brochures

Digital – Online advertising that reaches clients through their digital devices such as online listings on and third party websites ( and ) and email marketing/brochures.

Depending on the type of the piece of real estate and its location, digital media options may be sufficient. It’s always best to check what other sellers in your suburb are doing.

Inspire Real Estate Solutions will give you an accurate opinion on selling price based upon information gathered, collected and presented to you, the Vendor, in the form of a CMA or Comparative Market Analysis. Other prospective agents will give you a sale price they think they can achieve for your property. The most important question to ask is, what are you basing that on? Make sure your chosen agent can support the suggested sale price with evidence as you do not want to fall for the trap of securing the agent who simply says they can get the best price for you.

In this industry, experience counts - definitely. This does not mean that the agent who has been around the longest is the best one for you. At Inspire Real Estate Solutions you only ever deal with completely licensed real estate professionals. Joining the industry in 2001, Licensee Scott Robinson has enough experience to handle all aspects of your sale, combined with the enthusiasm and motivation required to secure YOU a buyer and a successful sale at a premium price.